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H&M. Do You Care?

FilmStorytellingStrategyUI/UX Design
H&M (in partnership with H2N)
To launch H&M’s new collection “Divided” in Portugal we created a digital interactive experience where fans could decide the official version of Nenny’s new video – Do You Care?

Partnering along H2N, we invited Nenny, an emerging artist at the time, to release her new song exclusively on the campaign's platform NENNYxHM.com that we developed, where fans were able to choose their favorite H&M looks, the fate of the story, part of the song lyrics and the singer's actions throughout the music video.

In the end of the experience, each fan could watch 2 videos:
The “Divided” version - A personal one, created with its own preferred choices.
The “Community” version - With the most chosen options by everyone.
In the end of the campaign, this last version resulted in the official music video.

Everyone who participated and registered at the H&M online store had access to exclusive discounts and products autographed by the singer.

A campaign that was expect only to live in Portugal (each country had its own) but the success was so big that it reached every corner of the world (see image below).